Aswat Horra Advocacy

Aswat Horra Advocacy

  • Created By: BCI
  • Published on: April 2022

(Arabic Below)

“Free Voices” #AswatHorra was launched as a unique UK Aid-funded project that, for the first time, brought together civil society, the media, the legal profession, and reform-minded officials to build resilience to threats to freedom of expression. Since 2019, six Libyan and four Lebanese organisations have been advocating for the rights of citizens, journalists, and human rights defenders, through projects supported by the Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR) in consortium with Reporters without Borders (RSF), Media Defence, and Binda Consulting International (BCI).

This Publication outlines the priority challenges to freedom of expression in Libya and Lebanon and puts forth specific recommendations for addressing them. The policy prescriptions were developed to provide policymakers, elected representatives, election candidates, and the international community with insights into the FoE-related needs and priorities of Libyan and Lebanese citizens.


تمّ‭ ‬إطلاق‭ ‬مبادرة‭ “‬أصوات‭ ‬حرّة‭” ‬كمشروع‭ ‬فريد‭ ‬تموّله‭ ‬الوكالة‭ ‬البريطانيّة‭ ‬للتّنمية‭ (‬UK Aid‭) ‬والذي‭ ‬جمع‭ ‬لأوّل‭ ‬مرّة‭ ‬المجتمع‭ ‬المدنيّ‭ ‬والإعلام‭ ‬والخبراء‭ ‬والخبيرات‭ ‬القانونيّين‭ ‬والمسؤولين‭ ‬والمسؤولات‭ ‬الإصلاحيّين‭ ‬لبناء‭ ‬القدرة‭ ‬على‭ ‬الصّمود‭ ‬أمام‭ ‬التّهديدات‭ ‬التي‭ ‬تواجه‭ ‬حرّية‭ ‬التّعبير‭.

ومنذ‭ ‬عام ‬2019،‭ ‬عملت‭ ‬ستّ‭ ‬منظّمات‭ ‬ليبيّة‭ ‬وأربع‭ ‬منظّمات‭ ‬لبنانيّة‭ ‬على‭ ‬الدّفاع‭ ‬عن‭ ‬حقوق‭ ‬المواطنين‭ ‬والمواطنات‭ ‬والصّحافيّين‭ ‬والصحافيات‭ ‬والمدافعين‭ ‬والمدافعات‭ ‬عن‭ ‬حقوق‭ ‬الإنسان،‭ ‬من‭ ‬خلال‭ ‬المشاريع‭ ‬التي‭ ‬يدعمها‭ ‬معهد‭ ‬صحافة‭ ‬الحرب‭ ‬والسّلام‭ (‬IWPR‭) ‬ومؤسّسة‭ ‬بندا‭ ‬للاستشارات‭ ‬الدّوليّة‭ (‬BCI‭)‬،‭ ‬بالاشتراك‭ ‬مع‭ ‬مراسلون‭ ‬بلا‭ ‬حدود‭ (‬RSF‭)‬،‭ ‬ومبادرة‭ ‬الدّفاع‭ ‬القانونيّ‭ ‬لوسائل‭ ‬الإعلام (Media Defence).‬

يلخّص‭ ‬هذا‭ ‬المنشور‭ ‬التّحدّيات‭ ‬ذات‭ ‬الأولويّة‭ ‬لحرّية‭ ‬التّعبير‭ ‬في‭ ‬ليبيا‭ ‬ولبنان‭ ‬ويطرح‭ ‬توصيات‭ ‬محدّدة‭ ‬لمعالجتها‭. ‬وقد‭ ‬تمّ‭ ‬تطويرها‭ ‬بشكل‭ ‬يزود‭ ‬صانعي‭ ‬وصانعات‭ ‬السّياسات،‭ ‬والممثّلين‭ ‬والممثلات‭ ‬المنتخبين،‭ ‬والمرشّحين‭ ‬والمرشحات‭ ‬في‭ ‬الانتخابات،‭ ‬والمجتمع‭ ‬الدّوليّ‭ ‬برؤى‭ ‬ثاقبة‭ ‬حول‭ ‬حرية‭ ‬التعبير‭ ‬والاحتياجات‭ ‬ذات‭ ‬الصلة‭ ‬وأولويات‭ ‬المواطنين‭ ‬والمواطنات‭ ‬الليبيين‭ ‬واللبنانيين‭.‬


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